BIG Trucks Titan
Lvl 12
pimprandymack 11 years ago
I rode in one of these in Minnesota. It was crazy to keep things in perspective.
Lvl 8
jarszoo 14 years ago
Each tire cost's 10,000.00 each
Lvl 12
ihatedrphil 14 years ago
Assembled on-site. The largest single piece shipped would be any of the tires.
[Deleted] 14 years ago
I think that having a small wiener is a prerequisite for any guy who drives this thing.
Lvl 14
tcobb36 15 years ago
Compensating for something?
[Deleted] 15 years ago
holy hell!
Lvl 5
gnu1202 16 years ago
Does it even get a 10000th of a mile per gallon?
[Deleted] 16 years ago
Jesus. It's bigger than a house.
Lvl 14
daytona1990 16 years ago
I go there once in awhile. You have to see it in person. Truck was originally for the coal mining that still operates today.
Lvl 12
xavious 17 years ago
So this is a concept? When does it go production? I'll get one for my wife.
Lvl 8
MrRemington 18 years ago
Lvl 13
Homer_Simpson 18 years ago
That's really cool!!
Lvl 14
IndiĀ©a 19 years ago
What The Fuck that??

Lvl 15
canadianvdub 19 years ago
Thats fuckin' awesome
I saw that same truck when I was on my way to Fernie BC from Calgary to go skiing

small world
Lvl 11
Miphte 19 years ago
Really cool thing!!
Lvl 8
izdread 19 years ago
wtf is that thing cooled by? a pool?
Lvl 9
baby_bass 19 years ago
I could fit in my garage.......wif the roof off, walls takendown and it would just cost me a few million bucks for the truck.......NO PROBLEM!
Lvl 15
Lunar. 19 years ago
my god this thing is huge
it's a whole house
Lvl 20
Bama_Boy 19 years ago
but a fill up takes a years salary
Lvl 5
pna 19 years ago
I like size of the cooler
Lvl 11
Mr-666 19 years ago
10.. Just because of the size of it.. 'Cause.. Damn it's ugly.. But... Nice..

Like the "Do ya feel lucky, PUNK?" Image
Lvl 7
Lukos 19 years ago
just wow
Lvl 10
bonfiresrfun 19 years ago
Ha ive seen that excact truck b4 its at the sparwood mine in spar wood bc canada they have like 10 of those but that one sits on display most of the time
Lvl 14
dirtysneaker 19 years ago
i am down with this vehicle....but i wonder how they work on it?....i used to work for pac bell and their big equipment but this is way bigger.....???.....
Lvl 10
RoshEkim 19 years ago
holy jesus, you can have a huge party in that turck!
Lvl 14
wineanddine 19 years ago
woooooooooooooooow! Just think how many buds you could haul in the back?
Lvl 15
prwilf 19 years ago
you have got to be joking..........................he're serious OMG!
Lvl 18
NonFaith 19 years ago
OMG!!! I want to drive this thing sooooo bad I can taste it.
Lvl 7
akdizzle 19 years ago
woaaa now ill show my neighbors to not like my loud music
Lvl 12
Blaataap 19 years ago
3,5 milion american dollars
Lvl 17
uebrprvrt 19 years ago
BTW., is that thing powered by an engine of an oil tanker or what?
Lvl 17
uebrprvrt 19 years ago
Wow. I'd love to have a truck like that on rush hours.
Lvl 11
larboe 19 years ago
an amazing vehicle for sure and the obvious monster truck winner!

.just needs a flame paint job.
Lvl 21
groezel 19 years ago
OK, it's BIG...
Lvl 9
cronos62695 19 years ago
i wonder how expensive is just one wheel of this vehicle??
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Published 19 years ago
Uploaded by Heidi
Dimensions 800 600
Category BIG Trucks - Titan
Views 6481
Comments 35