[Deleted] 3 years ago
this girls makes me horny
Lvl 20
Tarquin 17 years ago
They recently spammed a kid's game with images of burning cats and other animal cruelty, along with several images of child pornography. They then launched a denial of service attempt (and failure) to shut the game down after the boards had been purged of their disgusting missives.

And yeah, I was harsh. I will be every time I encounter them. Thank you for respecting my freedom of speech.

I thought I'd add some context in this comment so that it had some background.
Lvl 24
snoopy7666 17 years ago
I don't get the above comments at all...but I respect the poster's freedom to speak his/her mind...even though the language is a bit coarse...
Lvl 20
Tarquin 17 years ago
I admit that I marked this a 1.

I did it not because of the girls, but because /b/ is a bunch of ass-hats.

Yeah, I get to be petty now and then too. Fuckers. Keep your kid porn and your burning animals to yourselves, dick-heads.

You're not the only ones that get around the net.
Lvl 13
Bluwalloper 17 years ago
Say no more!
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Published 17 years ago
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