[Deleted] 10 years ago
Is this where all Groomsmen have their turn with the bride to see if she is good enough for the groom?
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Lvl 12
Locutus60 10 years ago
Originally posted by doolittle
I read somewhere that in certain europeon countries the brides wear their rings on the right hand.

I did not know that...I have unwittingly learned something today =@) ...Thanx, D.
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doolittle 10 years ago
Originally posted by Locutus60
The right hand wedding band makes me wonder if this was her way of giving him a subtle wish list any rate she looks like she'd be a fine rehearsal dinner.

I read somewhere that in certain europeon countries the brides wear their rings on the right hand.
mikeyeven finds this awesome.
Lvl 12
Locutus60 10 years ago
The right hand wedding band makes me wonder if this was her way of giving him a subtle wish list hint..At any rate she looks like she'd be a fine rehearsal dinner.
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Published 10 years ago
Uploaded by dagmar
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Category Topless babes
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