Lvl 60
Slacker28 1 year ago
Sexy as fuck
Lvl 19
boomtown 4 years ago
absolute perfection
[Deleted] 8 years ago
This Chick Drives Me Fucking Wild! Her body is Fuckin Perfect. She is so Perfectly Proportioned. As for the tats? It all depends on the person. Some people are just suited for them. For this chick, What it is and the placement is all good with me. I think she looks sexy with the tats. But, If you put that same tat on another girl in the same spot, It just might not look as hot. So I really think it depends on the person and placement of the ink. Does that make sense?? Oh Fuck it! She is hot and I would Love to Fuck the Living Shit out of her. BOOM! If you can't tell, I just dropped the mic.
Lvl 6
ucanlookbutnottouch 9 years ago
Miss April 2013
Lvl 60
kylecook 11 years ago
Awesome that almost all of the comments are about her tattoo. Big fucking deal.
[Deleted] 11 years ago
super hot
[Deleted] 11 years ago
Hot body
Lvl 11
doctor.coolpop 11 years ago
$300/hr? Where do I sign up???
Dogtrack finds this awesome.
Lvl 15
kenpomaster20 11 years ago
Originally posted by spruceknob7

I said I'd pay up to $300/hour to fuck her, to be honest I have never been w/ a hooker. I'm saying that is what I think of women who get big ass ugly tattoos, I'm exaggerating to emphasize a point about how much I hate tattoos on women.

I agree with your comments 100%. I'm am glad she doesn't have nipple rings to go along with that awful tattoo, though. So, 10 - 2 for the awful tattoos = 8.
Lvl 12
Hazmat35 11 years ago
Well, she is still a beautiful girl with a great body and a FANTASTIC set of tits! Yes, that ink should NEVER have been put there, but it's there, so deal with it!
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Lvl 6
Lestat 11 years ago
Banging body. Too bad about the ink though. But I'd still do her any day of the week.
Dogtrack finds this awesome.
Lvl 17
Tyrannus 11 years ago
What a shame! My dick would go from hard to limp as soon as I saw that ugly tat. So many women seem to have no respect whatsoever for their own beauty.
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Lvl 21
spruceknob7 11 years ago
Originally posted by SMHW

So just to be clear, are you saying that you wouldn't have sex with her if given the opportunity?

I said I'd pay up to $300/hour to fuck her, to be honest I have never been w/ a hooker. I'm saying that is what I think of women who get big ass ugly tattoos, I'm exaggerating to emphasize a point about how much I hate tattoos on women.
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Lvl 11
Slade001 11 years ago
I wouldn't go QUITE as far as spruceknob7, but I have to agree that the ostentatious tattoo, definitely detracts from the beauty. 9
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[Deleted] 11 years ago
Originally posted by spruceknob7

Well too bad because tattoos do ruin hot chicks. This an extremely hot girl, amazing body, but has one big ass ugly tattoo scarring her entire left side. There is no ink any woman could ever get that looks better than their own skin. It's graffiti, I see some cool shit tagged on buildings & subways but I wouldn't want it permanently on my, or anyone elses, body for all time. It's stupid, it's ugly, & it shows a lack of class and taste. So she went from looking like a girl I'd want to be with to a girl you pay $300/hour for.

So just to be clear, are you saying that you wouldn't have sex with her if given the opportunity?
Lvl 21
spruceknob7 11 years ago
Originally posted by SMHW
And I don't want to hear any BS about the tat "ruining" a hot chick.

Well too bad because tattoos do ruin hot chicks. This an extremely hot girl, amazing body, but has one big ass ugly tattoo scarring her entire left side. There is no ink any woman could ever get that looks better than their own skin. It's graffiti, I see some cool shit tagged on buildings & subways but I wouldn't want it permanently on my, or anyone elses, body for all time. It's stupid, it's ugly, & it shows a lack of class and taste. So she went from looking like a girl I'd want to be with to a girl you pay $300/hour for.
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Lvl 16
tellyfive 11 years ago
what an idiot. ruining that body with a stupid white trash tat....."love is patient"
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Lvl 17
Maza 11 years ago
That tattoo shouldn't be there.
Lvl 9
paddymorris 11 years ago
what a hottie, anymore of her
Lvl 30
unclesomething 11 years ago
why oh why would a gorgeous woman ruin herself with that terrible tat?
Dogtrack finds this awesome.
[Deleted] 11 years ago
And I don't want to hear any BS about the tat "ruining" a hot chick.
Lvl 18
nicramk 11 years ago
so sweet!!!!
roxdav9 finds this awesome.
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Published 11 years ago
Uploaded by selfpicfan
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Category Topless babes
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Comments 22