Lvl 8
market 16 years ago
Nothing like dissing your own country Handyman. If you don't like it or have nothing good to say then why don't you fucking leave? Loser.
Lvl 54
Snozz_69 16 years ago
Nice looking asses
Lvl 13
belfagor 16 years ago
Originally posted by PanzerPsycho


Please, belfagor, don't be from the United States. It's bad enough our own President barely speaks English.

Obviously I'm not! Sorry for my bad english but i'm trying to do my best!
Lvl 18
mrdorkbutt 16 years ago
girl on the right is hot
Lvl 13
belfagor 16 years ago
looking man on the other way... what does he thinking of???
Lvl 14
PanzerPsycho 16 years ago
Originally posted by belfagor

looking man on the other way... what does he thinking of???

Please, belfagor, don't be from the United States. It's bad enough our own President barely speaks English.
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Published 16 years ago
Uploaded by PanzerPsycho
Dimensions 1280 960
Category Tight Asses
Views 1333
Comments 6
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