Lvl 9
fletchdaddy 19 years ago
Nice little tight ass
Lvl 17
NAMNOSBIG 19 years ago
It's just a leisurely naked stroll!
Lvl 14
juicypat 19 years ago
she's very comfortable in her nakedness if it aint photoshopped
Lvl 8
venerable 19 years ago
My guess is a very small bikini's been photoshopped out of existance. Kinda like this pic http://whatboyswant.com/showpicture/202508/userfavorite/ -- a while after I added it to my favorites, I stumbled upon the original version with the bikini intact...
Lvl 5
MFX 19 years ago
Wonder what's happening there =P that boy isn't even looking at the lady
Lvl 15
texray 19 years ago
Could be right on that photoshopping. I'd still look, though.
Lvl 9
Atavist 19 years ago
What on *earth* is going on here? I've been wracking my brains trying to work out a real-life scenario where this photo could have been taken, but I guess I just don't have enough imagination...
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Published 19 years ago
Uploaded by fustats1999
Dimensions 210 600
Category Tight Asses
Views 2331
Comments 7
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