Lvl 4
Pipsgonecrazy 4 years ago
The way she poses is second to none. She is pure sex defined.
Lvl 53
AnalAndi 6 years ago
Shit! Her ass is anonymous!
Lvl 112
doolittle 11 years ago
that's just plain out assalicious
Lvl 19
F1098 12 years ago
Whew ! Time for a cold shower.

Excellent Lia !
[Deleted] 12 years ago
I would luv to start kissing and licking right where her ankle and heel come together, and ever so slowly kiss and lick my to right behing her knee's, and her legs look so hott!!! Whilst I flick my tongue on the soft flesh on the back of her knee I would reach up and slip her bottoms off and put them around her lovely ankles. Ever so slowly keep inching my way up the soft fleshy part of her beautiful thigh. Whilst I am kissing and licking I reach my fingers to the crack of her bottom, and slowly caress the inside of her crack. When my tongue reaches her outer lips of her labia I start to slowly penetrate her labia to reach the soft flesh of her drenched vagina. As she wiggles on my finger I slowly probe deeper and deeper, as my tongue reaches the top of her crack. I softly lick the small of her back. my fingers probe ever deeper stroking her hott pussy. As I am stroking her I begin to give her little hickies on the soft flesh of the small of her back making her wiggle more and more. As she is wiggling I use my thumb to penetrate her anus ever so slightly as my forefinger is already in her soaked vagina, I wiggle both of my fingers in unison driving her to lose her concentration and fall forward. face down on the bed. I slowly kiss my way up her back whilst keeping my stroking fingers inside of the beautiful body of my lover. I start to nibble on her earlobe and she sigh's. She turns her upper torso to me and we embrace each other and kiss....

All my luv..Lia.

<a h[blacklisted]"http://s1064.photobucket.com/albums/u379/lia_paige/?action=view&current=friends-girls-lesbian-love-Favim.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1064.photobucket.com/albums/u379/lia_paige/friends-girls-lesbian-love-Favim.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Lvl 15
nightcrawler1969 12 years ago
lovely body
Lvl 15
scramasax 12 years ago
The legs look awkward! But a fantastic bum!
AnalAndi finds this awesome.
Lvl 64
phototony 12 years ago
hot ass
AnalAndi finds this awesome.
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Published 12 years ago
Uploaded by [Deleted]
Dimensions 876 1641
Category Tight Asses
Views 3136
Comments 8