Lvl 33
assman1959 13 years ago
Very nice invitation. I'll ignore the TV.
Lvl 20
toddster1 13 years ago
That is one very sweet looking pussy!
Lvl 12
ZeroHope 13 years ago
Great spread
Lvl 15
Registered 14 years ago
Playground for my tongue!
Lvl 15
jreggie2000 14 years ago
Originally posted by habfan74

I've never understood why tv's are on in the background at times like this. She's naked, spreading, and letting you take her pic...unless its porn on the screen, get your priorities straight and find the off button!!

Couldn't agree more. I've also noticed that there are a ton of pics of women spread out on the bed and there always seems to be a TV remote laying right next to her.
Lvl 14
PaganFritz 14 years ago
Braveheart must have gotten her hot.
Lvl 19
GrizlyBear 14 years ago
I see her on button, and I think it's already been pushed
Lvl 20
habfan74 14 years ago
I've never understood why tv's are on in the background at times like this. She's naked, spreading, and letting you take her pic...unless its porn on the screen, get your priorities straight and find the off button!!
Lvl 23
swpahubby72 14 years ago
in all fairness, why are you guys looking at the t.v and remotes when there's a great woman to be looked upon?? just teasing. I agree with you as well...But, I've looked enough to see that both of her holes seem to be tight..
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Published 14 years ago
Uploaded by txstroker
Dimensions 640 480
Category Tight Asses
Views 2508
Comments 9
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