Lvl 11
Davemonaghan 3 years ago
Stop crying and get over it already
She gets a 10 from me just for the fuckin flag!
[Deleted] finds this awesome.
Lvl 6
scorp1983 6 years ago
I bet she wouldnt have that flag up if she ever got with a bbc
Lvl 18
Bank 12 years ago
This is all unintentionally hilarious. Scroll up to girl, scroll down to social commentary, scroll up to girl, scroll down to critique of judgement. You're pretty awesome sometimes, WBW.
Lvl 4
Althamiel 13 years ago
You sure do like to jump to conclusions about people. I don't understand how you can say I'm being hypocritical since I'm the one making the point that one shouldn't make judgments about people based on such impersonal knowledge. You did, in fact comment on her racial tolerances in your initial comment. "I just think racists are generally morons". Comparing her to a Klan member to defend your judgment is ridiculous since their STATED belief is racist in nature. You don't even know if that's her flag, or her house let alone what the flag represents to her.

I'm not trying to pat myself on the back for defending her, I was simply trying to point out that your reasoning in judging her was a little flawed. Since you seem intent on defending that judgment without considering the validity of my argument I'll apologize for the annoyance and politely dismiss myself from the conversation.
Lvl 59
EricLindros 13 years ago
Irony is [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jne9t8sHpUc&ob=av2e]like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife[/url]. It's also more properly used in reference to noncontinuity between a stated position and the actions taken, which applies to you taking offense to a purely visual judgement I made while you're browsing on a site which is a monument to the superficial.

But pedantry aside, some people judge pictures entirely upon specific physical attributes of the people therein, others - such as myself - vote on the totality of the picture. I took all the circumstantial evidence into account and made a judgement, as humans are wont to do. (If you'll note, my original comment had nothing to do with her intelligence; I only offered my reasoning for the low score I gave after being questioned about it. It's not as if I initially commented with the specific intent of questioning her racial tolerances - and thus her intelligence.) It is possible she's some erudite Rhodes Scholar writing her thesis on the plight of inner-city minorites? Sure, but if I'm assigning probabilities that possibility is at the tail of the bell curve.

It's also possible that someone in a KKK outfit standing by a burning cross is as tolerant as Ghandi and intelligent as Stephen Hawking, but the odds are against it, and you can be quite comfortable labeling that person a racist moron.

Sometimes a cigar is actually just a cigar.

Seeing as you're saying it's wrong to judge a person by the visible choices they make I'm sure you're being hypocritical, since basically all humans do it on a daily basis. It's just the way our lizard brains work.

But hey, if it makes you feel better to defend this woman's intelligence and honor, by all means, continue to do so and pat yourself on the back.
Lvl 4
Althamiel 13 years ago
I don't think you understand the definition of irony. There's no reason to insult someone that you don't know for holding a belief they've never expressed that you've inferred from a single picture. Obviously we're supposed to judge her looks but you've passed judgment on her intelligence and called her a racist without any personal knowledge.
Lvl 59
EricLindros 13 years ago
I gave a list of things that shaped my opinion. I also said I could be wrong.

But your analogy is way off. It's more like judging a book by the totality of cover, the chapter titles, the intro on the jacket of the book and some book reviews of the title. People do this every day. There are lots of books I haven't read because I've looked at them and discarded them for one reason or another. Perhaps one of them was a masterpiece; perhaps not. That's just the way decisions are made.

The image paints a picture of the woman and the surroundings, and it's not one of an aristocrat or a student of political philosophy.

Also, do you see the irony of posting a critique of someone making a judgement based solely on a photograph in a gallery of pictures that exists so that people may vote on them?
Lvl 59
EricLindros 13 years ago
Originally posted by looker6417


Pointed it out? He sounds like a gayish apologetic cuckold.

Hey champ, who are you referring to, Spalsh or me?
Lvl 4
Althamiel 13 years ago
Originally posted by EricLindros

Meh, I'm not.

I just think racists are generally morons.


And if I had to guess, a bottomless broad, wearing a jean-jacket, standing on a messy-ass table, with posing for a picture while wearing zebra-colored heels in front of a Confederate Flag with a bottle of Yeager on the table probably isn't displaying it for its representation of political resistance to Northern governmental oppression.

But hey, I could be wrong.

How many libraries have you filled with books you've read just by looking at the covers?
[Deleted] 13 years ago
Originally posted by Splash

...I sure am glad you pointed the flag out to me. I wouldn't have noticed it otherwise and just thought she was hot

Pointed it out? He sounds like a gayish apologetic cuckold.
Lvl 12
ZeroHope 13 years ago
Nice ass
Lvl 6
BIGBOYPLAZA 14 years ago
That's just plain trash(white trash)!
Lvl 25
IBangedUrWife 14 years ago
Thank God for drunk rednecks.
[Deleted] 14 years ago
Originally posted by EricLindros

Meh, I'm not.

I just think racists are generally morons.

And I'm aware that the flag originally didn't symbolize racial differences, but instead Southern rebellion to Northern political domination, but that changed during the Civil Rights movement as that flag was used as a symbol of resistance to it.

And if I had to guess, a bottomless broad, wearing a jean-jacket, standing on a messy-ass table, with posing for a picture while wearing zebra-colored heels in front of a Confederate Flag with a bottle of Yeager on the table probably isn't displaying it for its representation of political resistance to Northern governmental oppression.

But hey, I could be wrong.
yeah in my case your wrong. Overall you are correct. There will always be the dummies that can cause the stereotypes! I think we should ..... give an average vote (5) lets be honest with or without the flag its just average! Funny thing is shes from Michigan
Lvl 12
dom1211 15 years ago
the south shall rise again along with my dick
[Deleted] 15 years ago
Shit this is nice.
Lvl 24
Bangledesh 15 years ago
I don't see any lines of coke anywhere.
Lvl 24
snoopy7666 15 years ago
I just like her ass...
Lvl 28
Honda_X 15 years ago
There isn't enough room on that table for the booth of you brah.
Lvl 17
Che_84 15 years ago
I would do her just like that
Lvl 28
Honda_X 15 years ago
Originally posted by Splash

...I sure am glad you pointed the flag out to me. I wouldn't have noticed it otherwise

I lol'd..
Lvl 22
Splash 15 years ago
Originally posted by EricLindros

Meh, I'm not.

I just think racists are generally morons.

And I'm aware that the flag originally didn't symbolize racial differences, but instead Southern rebellion to Northern political domination, but that changed during the Civil Rights movement as that flag was used as a symbol of resistance to it.

And if I had to guess, a bottomless broad, wearing a jean-jacket, standing on a messy-ass table, with posing for a picture while wearing zebra-colored heels in front of a Confederate Flag with a bottle of Yeager on the table probably isn't displaying it for its representation of political resistance to Northern governmental oppression.

But hey, I could be wrong.
I sure am glad you pointed the flag out to me. I wouldn't have noticed it otherwise and just thought she was hot
[Deleted] 15 years ago
Originally posted by EricLindros

Meh, I'm not.

I just think racists are generally morons.

And I'm aware that the flag originally didn't symbolize racial differences, but instead Southern rebellion to Northern political domination, but that changed during the Civil Rights movement as that flag was used as a symbol of resistance to it.

And if I had to guess, a bottomless broad, wearing a jean-jacket, standing on a messy-ass table, with posing for a picture while wearing zebra-colored heels in front of a Confederate Flag with a bottle of Yeager on the table probably isn't displaying it for its representation of political resistance to Northern governmental oppression.

But hey, I could be wrong.
you forgot to mention what looks like lines of speed or coke next to her left foot
[Deleted] 15 years ago
Originally posted by EricLindros

Low score for her wall tapestry.
yes she is hot flag is stupid
Lvl 59
EricLindros 15 years ago
Oh, everyone's a comedian.

I was just responding to fredg222.

As for the coke - yeah, I missed that the first time through.
Lvl 18
lzzoso 15 years ago
Nice Ass. Nice legs. I am surprised she has a bottle of Yagermeister and not a bottle of Southern Comfort instead.
Lvl 59
EricLindros 15 years ago
Meh, I'm not.

I just think racists are generally morons.

And I'm aware that the flag originally didn't symbolize racial differences, but instead Southern rebellion to Northern political domination, but that changed during the Civil Rights movement as that flag was used as a symbol of resistance to it.

And if I had to guess, a bottomless broad, wearing a jean-jacket, standing on a messy-ass table, with posing for a picture while wearing zebra-colored heels in front of a Confederate Flag with a bottle of Yeager on the table probably isn't displaying it for its representation of political resistance to Northern governmental oppression.

But hey, I could be wrong.
Lvl 13
fredg222 15 years ago
i didn't know you were so PC, EL
Lvl 6
cbhj119 15 years ago
super pose
Lvl 67
AJ100 15 years ago
Great back view. The front view was even better.
Lvl 59
EricLindros 15 years ago
Low score for her wall tapestry.
Lvl 23
Firereign 15 years ago
Damn fine woman!
Lvl 59
EricLindros 13 years ago
You're being hypocritical because as a human being (I'm assuming) you make judgements about people based on appearances all the time. Every day. Our species does it unconsciously and unless you're a Vulcan (the Star Trek kind, not the Roman mythology kind), so do you. Thus, you're chastising me for doing something something you do on a daily basis.

And, of course, you needn't point any of this out in the first place, since the post you took umbrage with ended with my saying, "Of course, I could be wrong." I'm well aware that I'm generalizing with incomplete information. The difference between you and I is that I'm comfortable with that.
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Published 15 years ago
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Category Tight Asses
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