[Deleted] 16 years ago
She'd probably fall over forward if she wasn't hanging on to the wall.
Lvl 9
funkytap2 17 years ago
she is heinous
Lvl 7
WartusHogus 17 years ago
jumpin' jahosafat!!!
Lvl 23
Paige80 17 years ago
Looks like she's thinking about eating the phone
Lvl 23
Paige80 17 years ago
That's disgusting! She needs to lose 100 pounds and stop going to MacDonald's. Yuck!
Lvl 10
trinity3 17 years ago
looks good enough to eat ..probably feed the 10,000 beats the hell out of fish and bread. bet they swing low when released
Lvl 9
Marine_6052 17 years ago
Wow some y'all are down right fuckin' rude, I think that she has a nice body. She just happens to be overwhelmed by such AMPLE breasts.
Lvl 8
otscooby 17 years ago
Holy huge udders Batman...that would be a nite of fun, but would probably leave stretch marks around my mouth
Lvl 7
Homer101 17 years ago
I'm not Brad Pitt, but she is brutal looking. She's fat, and her boobs are way too big. Don't know how anybody could say she's near perfect.
Lvl 8
danielfp1 17 years ago
...holy mother of God....
Lvl 29
kiowa55 17 years ago
WOWZY there huge
Lvl 15
scarlet_one 17 years ago
Now if she has a butt to match that chest, she would be damn near perfect.
Lvl 8
snaxx 15 years ago
Lol. This the only one I seen of her with a shirt on.
Lvl 12
rocman 16 years ago
unsinkable, nice floatation devices...
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Published 17 years ago
Uploaded by Nékos
Dimensions 1280 960
Category Selfshots
Views 3511
Comments 14