Lvl 18
borringguy 4 years ago
With hip bones that wide . She has to stay on the lean side to make the shape work .
She is only 18 so she still has some maturing left
Lvl 30
Panzerkaserne 4 years ago
she is anorexic. eat something!
Lvl 11
Stormdrop 4 years ago
Very pretty girl, but it seems she would eat a little more.
A.Wuerzburg finds this awesome.
Lvl 14
weaponzero 4 years ago
There's something creepy and disturbing about how thin her legs are in comparison to the rest of her.
A.Wuerzburg finds this awesome.
[Deleted] 4 years ago
This picture is either photo shopped or she needs to eat a little bit
robert98597, A.Wuerzburg find this awesome.
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Published 4 years ago
Uploaded by MinnaA
Dimensions 1080 1230
Category Selfshots
Views 1475
Comments 5
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