Lvl 21
nolefan 4 years ago
Little knockout
Lvl 17
erk369 6 years ago
Originally posted by LuvWom3n
I really wish women would learn how to take a selfie in a mirror! Look in the mirror at the phone!!!
I mean, if they can't take a proper selfie, how do i know if she knows what to do with my cock?

Oh, yeah! Like, wth! I know I can't respect ANY woman if she doesn't know how to take a proper selfie! I don't care how hot she is...if her selfie doesn't give that "looking at me" feeling...forget it!
Lvl 90
johnsnow 6 years ago
wonderful play thing
doolittle, mikeyeven find this awesome.
Lvl 111
doolittle 6 years ago
sure looks like a long memorable ride to me
robert98597, johnsnow, mikeyeven find this awesome.
Lvl 16
LuvWom3n 6 years ago
I really wish women would learn how to take a selfie in a mirror! Look in the mirror at the phone!!!
I mean, if they can't take a proper selfie, how do i know if she knows what to do with my cock?
doolittle, robert98597, johnsnow find this awesome.
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Published 6 years ago
Uploaded by blitzoid
Dimensions 960 1280
Category Selfshots
Views 1810
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