Lvl 15
bigbadwolf321 7 years ago
This is an example of someone who thinks that by having all those tats, people will look beyond the obvious hurt she has inside. There is ALWAYS an underlying reason why someone would do this. Most of the time they aren't even aware of why they do it. They'll say "F-U, I like tats." "I want to be original." (Like every other bimbo that is marked up?) "My body is a canvas."

No, you have something in your subconscious that is telling you to "hide from being normal," because if you're normal,people might see what is truly wrong with you.

Get over not having a good childhood, not having a father, being raped/molested, or being left in the crib too long. We all see it now more clearly since you've put on these markings that scream "Look at me! There is something seriously wrong with me!"
Lvl 14
boobsrock 7 years ago
Just my opinion but why do far too many women overdo the ink?...
bigbadwolf321, mikeyeven find this awesome.
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Published 7 years ago
Uploaded by MindSculpter79
Dimensions 720 960
Category Selfshots
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