Lvl 59
Slacker28 1 year ago
[Deleted] 3 years ago
hot body
Lvl 90
johnsnow 8 years ago
now that is fucking solid body to defile
Lvl 22
rusted_nut 9 years ago
Something wicked this way comes!!!
Lvl 12
karprive 11 years ago
crazy hot body
Lvl 5
critic 11 years ago
Time out... what the fuck is a "perfect 9"?!?!?! First off, if it's perfect, it can't be a 9 on a 0 to 10 scale. However, if we are to assume that you really mean she is as good as it possibly gets before one becomes rated a 10, then she must be a 9.9 (assuming a simple 10 point rating methodology between steps). Since trying to develop criteria for the incremental changes between each step (e.g. what differentiates a 9.8 from a 9.9) would be difficult at best, let's just agree that perfection requires a rating of 10. Therefore, this young lady is simply a 9.
Lvl 24
DocFotcho 11 years ago
Killer Body
Lvl 25
FSHEV 11 years ago
straight to favorites
[Deleted] 11 years ago
perfect 9
[Deleted] 11 years ago
What a fantastic body. 9
[Deleted] 11 years ago
Nice tits