[Deleted] 10 years ago
Love her bolt-ons!!!!!!!!! I'd give them a full ride.
Lvl 12
Hazmat35 12 years ago
Nice Tits! Looks like she paid a lot for those fakers!
Lvl 42
misterinbetween 12 years ago
not nice breasts
Lvl 8
LilAbner 12 years ago
You know, if people keep screwing around with Mother Nature, trying to improve on her work, sooner or later she's going to get pissed off enough to do to us what she did to the dinosaurs - Ctrl-Alt-Delete and start over.
Lvl 15
scramasax 12 years ago
Good God, What in heaven inspired you to undergo surgery?
You were gorgeous enough as you were....
[Deleted] 12 years ago
Amazing potential ruined by fake tits
Lvl 60
kylecook 12 years ago
i disagree guys, I'd take her for a ride
lixboobs finds this awesome.
Lvl 17
Tyrannus 12 years ago
Ugly fake ones.
Lvl 22
tiredeyes 12 years ago
Really bad bolt ons.
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Published 12 years ago
Uploaded by Thunderchild
Dimensions 768 1024
Category Selfshots
Views 5550
Comments 9