Lvl 111
doolittle 11 years ago
nice body in my opinion
Lvl 21
ferdi76 12 years ago
Interesting on how all can judge the tattoo on this poor quality photo. Butt maybe you are all tattoo artists and have don this one..

Ooo and plastic fantastic
[Deleted] 12 years ago
I try to keep my opinions to myself if I have nothing positive to say. I have said that I dont like tattoo's but also said it is up to each individuals choice, and tastes. And what a women does with her breasts is totally up to her, I will not critisize her, but I don't have to like her malformed breasts, or a horrific tattoo. I jus dont say either way, it's not my body or any of my business....

And I almost always do not vote on that pic......
Lvl 8
ncdealer 12 years ago
tat looks like shit. i would get it removed.
Lvl 41
misterinbetween 12 years ago
one word.... why?
Lvl 8
LilAbner 12 years ago
Obviously, with both the boob job and the tattoo, she went with the lowest bidder.
Lvl 50
wizrdofaahz 12 years ago
fake tits & weird ink....bring it!
Lvl 17
natsumefanman813 12 years ago
Whole lotta ink there...
Lvl 15
scramasax 12 years ago
Ghastly stupid silicon tits, and a poorly crafted tattoo!
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Published 12 years ago
Uploaded by fank
Dimensions 624 791
Category Selfshots
Views 3003
Comments 9