Lvl 23
Firereign 15 years ago
I don't give a damn what they pierce. I'm not in love, its called lust...
Lvl 4
lordadams 15 years ago
....very very HOT...!
[Deleted] 15 years ago
I don't care for the lip piercing, but that's one hot-ass emo chick.
Lvl 7
HotlantaRob 15 years ago
Not big on the piercings or even on the hair choices, but that girl's body is top drawer!
Lvl 6
hooboy 15 years ago
I always want to ask girls with lip piercings if they were catch and release victims, or were they sucking dick through a chicken wire fence?
Lvl 7
joemomma000 15 years ago
perfect the way she is, imo.
B.H.D.2 finds this awesome.
Lvl 11
Dennis1977 15 years ago
she is hot
B.H.D.2 finds this awesome.
Lvl 16
Mad_MaxXx 15 years ago
She could do without the hardware in her lip
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Published 15 years ago
Uploaded by natasrofredrum
Dimensions 480 640
Category Selfshots
Views 6409
Comments 8