[Deleted] 15 years ago
She should get a better camera to do that body justice!
Lvl 6
vanhalen13 15 years ago
that body is incredible!!
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Lvl 8
startrek8780 15 years ago
I would have given her a perfect 10 had she NOT been fully shaved.
Lvl 5
bp14 15 years ago
Those are some enticing nipples.
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Lvl 17
Gamme 15 years ago
fully shaved, the way pussies looks best.
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Lvl 11
fleezbunki 15 years ago
rockin' body, but nasty face. damn. double bagger.
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Lvl 11
Dennis1977 15 years ago
hot body
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Lvl 18
FamilyGuy 15 years ago
Rockin' body. Thank god cell phone cameras are getting better!
Dogtrack finds this awesome.
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Published 15 years ago
Uploaded by King_Daddy
Dimensions 480 640
Category Selfshots
Views 14244
Comments 8