Lvl 11
Blownego 13 years ago
THO - a wondrous thing!
Lvl 24
snoopy7666 14 years ago
"biker women are the best" ...OK, but th' best WHAT?
What I've seen (an' I can only speak of what I've seen) seems to be about 1 in 10 will be really great lookin' and totally hot...an' the other 90% will be overweight, not pretty, dirty lookin', tattoos everywhere, leathery skin that suggests a lifetime of smokin'...just skanks an' slobs, basically...'Makes one wonder how that great lookin' hottie ever got into th' biker life...I mean - they're not all really bad , but only a few, like this one pictured, are real lookers...that's why I asked the question seriously..."biker women are the best" - WHAT?
Lvl 23
swpahubby72 14 years ago
biker women are the best
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Published 14 years ago
Uploaded by wohali
Dimensions 720 540
Category See-thru Babe Pictures
Views 5313
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