Lvl 12
aus_cassie87 16 years ago
Originally posted by raven9220

Maybe just a little bit fake, it looks like two highschool girls, and I don't believe they will have that kind of see through.

at my high school formal there was a girl there who wore a white dress, and didn't realise that when flashes went off it made her dress see through, no bra so all the guys loved it too, some terific pics of her too.

willing to bet that this is the same deal.
Lvl 12
4tookerplace 16 years ago
Hey, you can totally see her boobs!
Lvl 67
AJ100 16 years ago
I'm likin' it..........a lot.
Lvl 16
raven9220 16 years ago
Maybe just a little bit fake, it looks like two highschool girls, and I don't believe they will have that kind of see through.
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Published 16 years ago
Uploaded by wohali
Dimensions 1024 1365
Category See-thru Babe Pictures
Views 5999
Comments 4