Lvl 12
chaosad666 16 years ago
i think i would rather have sex with the car!
Lvl 14
scrotum_sauce 17 years ago
She's big but not too big. Thick and curvy! I'd be happy to do it!
Lvl 29
Iseeit 17 years ago
Big ..... hub caps
Lvl 10
trinity3 17 years ago
fine and mighty
Lvl 16
P655321 17 years ago
She isn't fat just curvy. Like the car. But given the choice I'd take the car first.
Lvl 16
Dills 17 years ago
What an amazingly well timed picture! The photographer took the shot right as that BMW hit a cow!
Lvl 29
kiowa55 17 years ago
awsome titts
Lvl 6
harry_lpgreen 17 years ago
If i saw that in a parking lot like that, I'd walk over and plow it. No questions. *shrugs
Lvl 6
ghettoryde 17 years ago
well....at least the car is nice
Lvl 59
EricLindros 17 years ago
9 for the bimmer, 2 for the chick....average of a 6.5, so she gets a 6.
Lvl 7
viperfoxbat 17 years ago
she realy likes BMW cars so if you have one she will fuck you
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Published 17 years ago
Uploaded by the_kevin1
Dimensions 900 675
Category Naked Babes
Views 3752
Comments 11