Lvl 9
Herbie1949 17 years ago
real nice chubby lady, but the jungle .......
should be trimmed at least, but better would be of course the total removing of pubic hair
Lvl 8
ohooligan 17 years ago
I'm sorry but it is just wrong.
Lvl 13
no_one_special 17 years ago
I don't mind the lost of the bush. You don't get hairs in your mouth and it looks a lot more hyginic.
Lvl 2
banedon 17 years ago
Perfect example of a gorgeous, luxuriant natural bush. Its great to see such an uninhibited woman not afraid to show her true femininity. 20 years ago, every woman wore their bush like this. And 40 years ago and 200 and 400 and on and on. Its only in the last 10-15 years or so that 'the public' has decided that pubic hair is unsightly and disgusting. Incidentally, its mostly men under the age of 35 who fancy hairless women. The ones who grew up with their Playmates and porn stars being shaved. How the hell they managed to project their pre-pubescent fantasies onto an entire generation of women is beyond me. But I mourn for the loss of the bush.
Lvl 9
del4130 17 years ago
The tits are just fine and the rolls I can tolerate. But gotta get rid of Groucho Marx! Better yet Yosimite Sam!
[Deleted] 17 years ago
Touche Falconspy...your best comment ever.

A razor would not do the trick here...maybe a weedwacker ?
Lvl 23
Valqueau 17 years ago
Jungle and no guide or map. How too come out?
Lvl 5
ABflug-srt 17 years ago
"Perfect example of a gorgeous, luxuriant natural bush"

dude.. its on the way down the legs.. :/ nothing wrong with a little bush..but this is to mutch..
Lvl 59
EricLindros 17 years ago
Thank you, banedon, for that hard-hitting expose on the history of female pubic hair in society.
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Published 17 years ago
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Category Naked Babes
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