Lvl 8
ciprocide 16 years ago
hairy Asian dream
dogdude finds this awesome.
Lvl 12
rocman 18 years ago
Very pretty...but needs to trim the bush some!!
Lvl 11
Mailmanct 18 years ago
Floss hell, you might get strangled!
Lvl 8
chino-1 18 years ago
dogdude finds this awesome.
[Deleted] 18 years ago
a little bit to hairy for me :/
Lvl 23
Paige80 18 years ago
If I was a guy I would be so turned off when a girl took off her clothes and I saw all that hair between her legs. I wouldn't even want to touch it with my hand much less put my dick in it. Don't these girls look at magazines like Cosmo and Glamour which have articles nearly every month saying you shave ALL your pubic hair off everytime you shave your legs. This picture looks like something in the 1970's when girls only trimmed the pubic hair that fell out of the edges of their bathing suit.
Lvl 16
hamza 18 years ago
I wish to get lost in there and nerer come out
Lvl 33
analog2604 18 years ago
she needs some work .....
Lvl 2
bennytheactor 18 years ago
you could keep like 2 orders of chicken teriki and a 2 liter of coke in that forrest
Lvl 7
bloke1969 18 years ago
Oh well at least you can floss your teeth while you're eating
Lvl 7
bloke1969 18 years ago
Oh well at least you can floss your teeth while you're eating
Lvl 10
pimp05452 18 years ago
way 2 much bush i would hate to be the one 2 wax that thing
Lvl 6
Hillbillyboy 18 years ago
Hello George!
Lvl 6
robyork69 18 years ago
Organise even
Lvl 13
psykup 18 years ago
Oh my god, this is not a bush. This is the Amazonian forest
Lvl 6
robyork69 18 years ago
It's in there somewhere. Oranise a search party
Lvl 4
Cypher04 18 years ago
What you see here is the dangerous venus fly trap. On the exterior it is very attractive but once you've dived down south you get tangled in a hairy mess.
Lvl 13
syke-o 18 years ago
looks like i need to gas up my weed eater..
Lvl 28
freddy_love 18 years ago
Nikos...thank you for posting this awesome flawless god....I love her do you have anymore of her?
dogdude finds this awesome.
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Published 18 years ago
Uploaded by Nékos
Dimensions 480 640
Category Naked Babes
Views 3094
Comments 19
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