Lvl 42
misterinbetween 13 years ago
Ill pass thanks
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Lvl 16
BHWATSON 19 years ago
Terrible pose thats all..... I would love to see what pimp daddy looks like.. I am guessing that he hasn't had pussy since pussy had him...
Lvl 24
MrDude 19 years ago
Lvl 6
psycholli 19 years ago
...my right hand still works ! If not, I´ll take the left. I thank god for both of them !!!!
Lvl 15
scramasax 19 years ago
Put this girl into a decent pose away from the kitchen hardware and she would not be too bad..
Taken in an English kitchen by a person who has no idea of how to make the best of his woman..
Only in England
Lvl 8
judge22 19 years ago
i would fuck her
Lvl 20
Bama_Boy 19 years ago
I wonder what the lowest score of any female pic is at WBW? This one has to be in the running for the worst.
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Lvl 9
BlackManta 19 years ago
I wouldn't let this fat bitch in my trailer..
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Lvl 11
roba 19 years ago
I resent that remark I like Budweisers...........
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Lvl 16
jerseyshark 19 years ago
How wrong is this? Well, for starters...

* She's ugly
* Thunder thighs
* Those ankle boots are butch
* For a chunky chick, she's an underachiever in the tits department
* To make a pose with kitchen appliances sexy, the babe in question has to be damn hot. This one isn't even lukewarm.

Bottom line: only some barely-into-double-digits-IQ NASCAR-loving cracker totally tanked up on Budweiser or Miller longnecks could get it up for this glorified trailer trash.
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Published 19 years ago
Uploaded by [Deleted]
Dimensions 903 677
Category Naked Babes
Views 2392
Comments 10
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