Lvl 18
borringguy 7 years ago
Any more of those would be much appreciated. Reminds me a lot of the wife the first time I seen her nude.
[Deleted] 7 years ago
Yep, that is an old picture and she's a 6 at best...not an 8........
Lvl 18
borringguy 8 years ago
1990's vintage scan of a polaroid or a very early digital camera. She has trimmed some . Nice firm figure
Lvl 23
T-Rex 8 years ago
Circa 1963
mikeyeven finds this awesome.
Lvl 30
VandyGuy 8 years ago
nice bush
robert98597, avalon888, mikeyeven find this awesome.
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Published 8 years ago
Uploaded by bernd1990
Dimensions 543 1269
Category Naked Babes
Views 4141
Comments 5