Lvl 22
captnenglish 9 years ago
Her body, so her choice, but damn if you wont shave it, trim it at least
Lvl 112
doolittle 10 years ago
Originally posted by T-Rex
I've got something else she could blow and a little beard trimmer to take care of some, not all of that fine bush.

I just bet if she so desired to cut or trim that bush she would so live with yourself
Lvl 46
bigdave2-1 10 years ago
Its pink inside ,good enough for me !
Lvl 23
T-Rex 10 years ago
I've got something else she could blow and a little beard trimmer to take care of some, not all of that fine bush.
Lvl 26
moss 10 years ago
Nice muff
Lvl 22
drtlc 10 years ago
I'd prefer a little trimming action, but i suppose it provides some cushioning on the bike seat, so I'll the trade-off.
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Published 10 years ago
Uploaded by roperper
Dimensions 1280 1920
Category Naked Babes
Views 3051
Comments 6