Lvl 4
pixeldiddler 2 years ago
Selling to the highest bidder
Lvl 5
nudeprof 6 years ago
Okay, I'll take both for the next week.
Lvl 14
tonytorpedo 10 years ago
Originally posted by expat2011
This looks more like a slave auction.

Oh, and to doolittle's question, it may not be as simple as "shaved is best" but come on, if you can show enough concern for your body's appearance that you will pluck eyebrows and shave legs and underarms, then don't leave a nasty, unkempt beaver. On the other hand, if you like everything "natural" and that includes no trimming of eyes, mustache, armpits and legs... Well, you go right ahead. But otherwise don't give Land00man shit for asking for a little consistency.

I was under the impression that in the asian culture, having a bush means fertility. Citations needed though.
Trim or not, as long as she takes a bath, I don't care. The only thing I'd really run away from are bushy armpits on women.
Lvl 13
Land00man 10 years ago
Originally posted by expat2011
This looks more like a slave auction.

Oh, and to doolittle's question, it may not be as simple as "shaved is best" but come on, if you can show enough concern for your body's appearance that you will pluck eyebrows and shave legs and underarms, then don't leave a nasty, unkempt beaver. On the other hand, if you like everything "natural" and that includes no trimming of eyes, mustache, armpits and legs... Well, you go right ahead. But otherwise don't give Land00man shit for asking for a little consistency.

AMEN and thank you!
Lvl 47
expat2011 10 years ago
This looks more like a slave auction.

Oh, and to doolittle's question, it may not be as simple as "shaved is best" but come on, if you can show enough concern for your body's appearance that you will pluck eyebrows and shave legs and underarms, then don't leave a nasty, unkempt beaver. On the other hand, if you like everything "natural" and that includes no trimming of eyes, mustache, armpits and legs... Well, you go right ahead. But otherwise don't give Land00man shit for asking for a little consistency.
Land00man finds this awesome.
Lvl 23
Valqueau 10 years ago
Not good there, a pub(l)ic admonition.
Lvl 112
doolittle 10 years ago
Originally posted by Land00man
Maybe a protest for not wanting to shave the bush? Whatever, I support it this time, but shaved is best!

where did you ever read that shaved is best ???? I was just curious and wanted to know
Lvl 13
Land00man 10 years ago
Maybe a protest for not wanting to shave the bush? Whatever, I support it this time, but shaved is best!
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Published 10 years ago
Uploaded by shawn314
Dimensions 794 568
Category Naked Babes
Views 4536
Comments 8