Lvl 28
kwb 5 years ago
Love those red heads.
Lvl 48
avalon888 11 years ago
great body.
A.Wuerzburg finds this awesome.
Lvl 112
doolittle 12 years ago
great coke add. too bad you'll never see it on tv or billboards
A.Wuerzburg finds this awesome.
Lvl 42
misterinbetween 12 years ago
Great poster for Coca Cola
Lvl 23
Valqueau 12 years ago
Good babe, wish to buy there every day.
Lvl 26
mrmosh 12 years ago
body is bangable.,. face.... not so much
Lvl 47
expat2011 12 years ago
She has an amazingly smooth and lovely body, and meanwhile, her "boyfriend" is shop-lifting the store blind!
Lvl 24
snoopy7666 12 years ago
Originally posted by expat2011

She has an amazingly smooth and lovely body, and meanwhile, her "boyfriend" is shop-lifting the store blind!

If he's 'dressed' like her, he won't steal much...
An' now we know that the life of a cashier can be unexpectedly delightful...
I think Coca-Cola should see this - 'shrewd product placement
BTW, did anyone pick up on what's hanging around her neck?...'some "pacifier," huh?
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Published 12 years ago
Uploaded by kosvik
Dimensions 695 1024
Category Naked Babes
Views 2936
Comments 8