Lvl 15
sparko1969 2 years ago
Nice little tits
Lvl 6
Wint 12 years ago
First off to the guy siad at best it's a 350. That is one of the best and longest lasting GM engines. As for the Lady she is more than likely still running hot!
Lvl 6
Bangledeshica 15 years ago
Originally posted by Honda_X


lol..Come on now. In fantasy land bros KIA can run 13s.

It's probably that dog 305....at best it's the 350. Unless it's pretty darn modified it's running 14s if it's lucky.

Also, just passin by.

Lvl 19
KJMDrum 15 years ago
Eric is a pretty nice guy so if he's making off the cuff comments you can be sure that the bullshit antics are wearing pretty thin around here. Just post your pics and quite your bitchin...and I say that with the utmost respect. you may find your cars and women to your own liking but one mans trash is another mans treasure so deal with it when someone doesnt have a sparkling review of your material. you seem to refuse to quietly take any critique of your material. Just an observation and i'm sure you will come back with some sort of heated reply. And as a final favor to you I will not post on any further material of yours.
Lvl 11
Mr wood 15 years ago
Originally posted by Mr.Poop

hey eric isnt white trash a racist term?

It definitely is and I am offended.
Lvl 11
Mr wood 15 years ago
Originally posted by RedLemon

Nope. My car isn't fast, but suffice to to say the jet ski I tow with my car has more bhp than your car had when it was stock.

Lake lice...........
That car according to Chiltons was 265HP stock and it is far from stock now.
Lvl 18
Mr.Poop 15 years ago
hey eric isnt white trash a racist term?
Lvl 27
Muad-dib 15 years ago
Originally posted by EricLindros

Yeah, that pretty much covers it.

The honorary detective badge of the day goes to you. Congrats!

Lvl 4
RedLemon 15 years ago
Originally posted by Mr wood

That car runs mid 13s
What are you driving, I bet it is a KIA..........loser

Nope. My car isn't fast, but suffice to to say the jet ski I tow with my car has more bhp than your car had when it was stock.
Lvl 11
Mr wood 15 years ago
Originally posted by EricLindros

If this conversation was going on under any other picture in the galleries I would say:


But if I do that here it'll turn into a complaint/argument fest, considering the people involved and whatnot, so I wont.

So let me get this straight. You are a mod here and you just quoted yourself and posted saying you are not going to make a post.
Lvl 28
Honda_X 15 years ago
Originally posted by Mr wood

That car runs mid 13s

lol..Come on now. In fantasy land bros KIA can run 13s.

It's probably that dog 305....at best it's the 350. Unless it's pretty darn modified it's running 14s if it's lucky.

Also, just passin by.
Lvl 11
Mr wood 15 years ago
Originally posted by RedLemon


that generation of camaro sucks the dong.

That car runs mid 13s
What are you driving, I bet it is a KIA..........loser
Lvl 59
EricLindros 15 years ago
If this conversation was going on under any other picture in the galleries I would say:

Originally posted by EricLindros

Well, it might ride nice, but those things are generally white-trash-mobiles anymore.

And the car, too.

But if I do that here it'll turn into a complaint/argument fest, considering the people involved and whatnot, so I wont.

Lvl 4
RedLemon 15 years ago

that generation of camaro sucks the dong.
Lvl 59
EricLindros 15 years ago
Yeah, that pretty much covers it.

The honorary detective badge of the day goes to you. Congrats!
Lvl 30
pdxal 15 years ago
Camaros rawk!!!!
And you are the most awesomest photographer around, plus she's the hottest woman on this site, by far.
Lvl 24
snoopy7666 15 years ago
Damn!...'really gone "Old School" on this one...'Bet she's a grandmother now...
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Published 15 years ago
Uploaded by Mr wood
Dimensions 451 592
Category Naked Babes
Views 3783
Comments 17