Lvl 14
Seryano 15 years ago
There's so many pictures of Sasquatch here the name of the website should be changed.
Lvl 11
Mr wood 15 years ago
Originally posted by HighLifeGuy


Haha, you get the PMs from this tool too huh?? He's the only person on here that actually sits and watches his pictures just to defend them. If he posted attractive pics, nobody would make fun of them in the first place.

Hey dumbass, I post real stuff, pictures that I actually took. All you post are stolen pics from the internet like most here do. I bet you have never seen a real naked women. I started a thread in the forum. Why don't you go there and let everyone know how you feel. I will PM both of you the link.
sammyz finds this awesome.
Lvl 17
ThatAwesomeGuy 15 years ago
I haven't seen anyone whine about your pics. No one has told you to stop posting as far as I know. Everyone is just stating their opinions about your posts, some good most bad. Isn't that what we're all here for?
Lvl 11
Mr wood 15 years ago
Originally posted by RedLemon

don't move your hand!

I can't believe you still take the time to keep whining. And like usual there are no pubic hairs to offend you. We all know you want me to build a time machine and go back and get her to shave even though it was not popular back then.
I have an idea, grow up, and or shut up.
Lvl 11
Mr wood 15 years ago
Originally posted by RedLemon

You accuse me of whining, yet not only do you take the time to write sagas like that, you also PM them to me. Pot. Kettle. Black.

You just admitted to whining. Brilliant.
sammyz finds this awesome.
Lvl 11
Mr wood 15 years ago
Originally posted by RedLemon

I choose option C: none of the above.

I know you love her, that is why you take the time to whine about things that are not even there. You have outed yourself as a hairy pussy lover. Keep it up, there are 600 pictures waiting to be posted and I have 1400 more to submit. Should give you shit to whine about for some time. wha, cry, wha, cry, pussy hair is gross , wha, cry.
sammyz finds this awesome.
Lvl 17
ThatAwesomeGuy 15 years ago
Originally posted by RedLemon

You accuse me of whining, yet not only do you take the time to write sagas like that, you also PM them to me. Pot. Kettle. Black.

Haha, you get the PMs from this tool too huh?? He's the only person on here that actually sits and watches his pictures just to defend them. If he posted attractive pics, nobody would make fun of them in the first place.
Lvl 11
Mr wood 15 years ago
Originally posted by RedLemon

You accuse me of whining, yet not only do you take the time to write sagas like that, you also PM them to me. Pot. Kettle. Black.

You are whining again as usual, the posts are here, in my profile, and in yours, go look. You are a whiner.
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Published 15 years ago
Uploaded by Mr wood
Dimensions 328 594
Category Naked Babes
Views 984
Comments 8
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