Lvl 11
Mr wood 15 years ago
Originally posted by pdxal

He's French. Still, his comments about your girlfriend/wife are more spot on than your subjective ones.
Why don't you post more recent photos, like from the last 10 years? Times change, the look that is considered attractive changes over time. For example, not having a mass of pubic hair that looks like a persian cat between your legs is now considered attractive. She's probably hotter now than 20 years ago.

I have and they have been sitting in moderation. Nothing I can do but wait. Actually they were the first I posted but only two have shown up. They seem to like the older ones.
Lvl 30
pdxal 15 years ago
He's French. Still, his comments about your girlfriend/wife are more spot on than your subjective ones.
Why don't you post more recent photos, like from the last 10 years? Times change, the look that is considered attractive changes over time. For example, not having a mass of pubic hair that looks like a persian cat between your legs is now considered attractive. She's probably hotter now than 20 years ago.
Lvl 11
Mr wood 15 years ago
Originally posted by Falconspy

Red is't not all.

What are you babbling now?
Lvl 23
Valqueau 15 years ago
Red is't not all.
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Published 15 years ago
Uploaded by Mr wood
Dimensions 503 599
Category Naked Babes
Views 1289
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