Lvl 4
RedLemon 17 years ago
As posted by walt1295:

"I give the girl a 10 and the bike a 2 so I hade to give her a 6 (would have been a 10 if it was a slow, under-engineered, inefficient piece of crap)"
Lvl 24
JayB 17 years ago

lucky individual... that's one HOT ride...

and the bike ain't so bad either
Lvl 7
walt1295 17 years ago
I give the girl a 10 and the bike a 2 so I hade to give her a 6 (would have been a 10 if it was a Harley)
Lvl 17
BaronVonGrizzly 17 years ago
Looks like a nice ride.
Lvl 6
cocomongo69 17 years ago
Nice girl... would you give me a ride?
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Published 17 years ago
Uploaded by Ditty_AMF
Dimensions 604 453
Category Lingerie Babes
Views 2309
Comments 5