[Deleted] 18 years ago
she's waiting for me to bring her a paddle so she can let me know who is really going to be in charge now that we are married
Lvl 8
Paus 18 years ago
When the bride is dressed like that, I will be the groome. I'll wear black - a black condom.
Lvl 9
GROWN&SEXY 18 years ago
"She has a nice body & looks hot, but she needs to lose the glasses and stop looking like a nerd"
Lvl 8
LilAbner 18 years ago
The glasses aren't quite right and the bridal veil would make me nervous, but the rest of the outfit is hot.
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Published 18 years ago
Uploaded by darek19
Dimensions 450 600
Category Lingerie Babes
Views 4507
Comments 4
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