Lvl 112
doolittle 9 years ago
Originally posted by mikeyeven
So very very sexy
I'd love to play with her some time

that sure would be an all day job.
mikeyeven finds this awesome.
Lvl 48
avalon888 9 years ago
must have gelded him ???
doolittle, mikeyeven find this awesome.
Lvl 6
PaladinSanLaredo 9 years ago
Women or breasts this size are specialty items. They are certainly not for everyone, but for those individuals that find them attractive, I'm sure they really fit the bill. I used to find this very attractive but my tastes like everything in my life have since changed.

Thank God they were there when I needed them.
mikeyeven, shawn314 find this awesome.
Lvl 95
mikeyeven 9 years ago
So very very sexy
I'd love to play with her some time
kiowa55, doolittle, avalon888 find this awesome.
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Published 9 years ago
Uploaded by dirtytink
Dimensions 640 640
Category Lingerie Babes
Views 1094
Comments 4