Lvl 15
swordsman1989 3 years ago
The tat is a HUGE turnoff.
Lvl 11
theonlysamantha 10 years ago
Amaaaazing gr-er, I mean body. How sweeet the so-er, I mean you must taste. I don't care if there were a pair of (albeit tattoo) guns pointed at my head all night, I wouldn't be able to stop going to town on her.
munterboi finds this awesome.
Lvl 71
omuh 11 years ago
Originally posted by BobGums
Ink is a way to attract attention

That's a generalization. And a false one.
Lvl 30
BobGums 11 years ago
Originally posted by wizrdofaahz
it always matters to the ink haters

I'm a ink hater...mostly when it is used to deface a nice body like this one. Ink is a way to attract attention...in this case it was NOT needed IMO.
Lvl 50
wizrdofaahz 11 years ago
it always matters to the ink haters
Lvl 33
cable_t 11 years ago
Originally posted by yyyyyyt
Whenever I see a tattoo like that I think they're trying to hide a caesarean scar.

Does it really matter?
Lvl 14
NTBFBTW 11 years ago
Originally posted by yyyyyyt
Whenever I see a tattoo like that I think they're trying to hide a caesarean scar.

I never even thought of that... I think this hottie's skin is too tight for that though. You can always tell by the skin even if they get the muscle tone back.
Lvl 28
freddy_love 11 years ago
I say happy tattoo artist
[Deleted] 11 years ago
Whenever I see a tattoo like that I think they're trying to hide a caesarean scar.
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Published 11 years ago
Uploaded by iliassaili
Dimensions 615 825
Category Lingerie Babes
Views 1491
Comments 9