Lvl 60
Slacker28 2 years ago
Wish I was there
Lvl 7
Danny6108 10 years ago
Now that's how I want to be greeted by my girlfriend and her friends when I get home from work!
11lurch11 finds this awesome.
Lvl 22
drtlc 10 years ago
Originally posted by doolittle
yeah but what a pleasant way to go big dave

If i had to pick a way to go (and the wife wasn't listening), that would certainly be it.
11lurch11 finds this awesome.
Lvl 112
doolittle 10 years ago
Originally posted by bigdave2-1
That's a heart attack right there !

yeah but what a pleasant way to go big dave
cotoca, AJ100, mikeyeven, drtlc and 2 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 46
bigdave2-1 10 years ago
That's a heart attack right there !
doolittle, mikeyeven, drtlc, 11lurch11 find this awesome.
Lvl 19
mayanatsumeman0813 10 years ago
Ladies, can I join your party?
11lurch11 finds this awesome.