Lvl 9
96Blueyes 10 years ago
Don't listen to the negative shit. I LOVE unique. Wish those were on my gf. Or maybe she's single?
Pony930 finds this awesome.
Lvl 4
Daryl3 10 years ago
If I saw her a few meters away i'd think it was a dick. Fucking nasty as hell.
Lvl 18
borringguy 10 years ago
That is a lot of inner labia.
Lvl 19
Suzbox 10 years ago
Looks disgusting
[Deleted] 10 years ago
Chewy outside to the moist center...hey guys, get used to it
mikeyeven, jerryseagrahm, Pony930 find this awesome.
Lvl 112
doolittle 10 years ago
say what you will guys but that's 100% pussy and that means theres not a damn thing wrong with it.
[Deleted], mikeyeven, jerryseagrahm, Pony930 find this awesome.
Lvl 25
steve841 10 years ago
i know where my mouth would be.....
jerryseagrahm, Pony930 find this awesome.
Lvl 25
realwilo 10 years ago
still not sure if i like it or not, but those are fascinating!
Lvl 8
oi8her2 10 years ago
Reminds me of a couple beef livers..
Lvl 33
dlks 10 years ago
Yup, i'm liking the thought of that around my wanger !!
jerryseagrahm, mikeyeven find this awesome.
Lvl 9
jerryseagrahm 10 years ago
fuck all that shit y'all talking that is the most sexy looking pussy I have seen in a while the thought of those lips surrounding my cock drives me insane
mikeyeven, Pony930 find this awesome.
Lvl 47
expat2011 10 years ago
I'd love to see the rest of this lady! (and agree with slothyforbis, could do with a neater trim, but I can see why she's nervous around those lips)

Lvl 23
swpahubby72 10 years ago
no way!! disgusting !!!
Lvl 8
slothyforbis 10 years ago
i loooove licking long labia, this is so hot, though i could do without the pubes...
jerryseagrahm, Pony930 find this awesome.
Lvl 32
digem 10 years ago
so this is a medical photo?
Lvl 18
munterboi 10 years ago
that's alotta lips she has there
Lvl 12
jsin666 10 years ago
Wtf is that
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Published 10 years ago
Uploaded by cuttinitup
Dimensions 1280 912
Category Bottomless Babes
Views 4429
Comments 17
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