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Lvl 34
bob4funs1234 8 months ago
She is tied to the bed so she can't run off.
Lvl 23
pamattie 9 years ago
Her facial expression is very, very common whenever a white woman is receiving a black man's cock!!!!! I have seen it dozens of times whenever I introduce one of my girlfriends to sex with black men. And I have done that a ton!!! I love seeing their reaction the first time they handle a black cock. It gets me so turned on, not to mention my girlfriends. They always have the experience of their lives and are forever hooked!!!! She looks like she is in total ecstasy. You go, my Girl!!!!
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Published 9 years ago
Uploaded by trytrytry
Dimensions 1280 852
Category Bondage / SM
Views 1081
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