Lvl 24
snoopy7666 18 years ago
Hey! ...I thought I read somewhere in WBW that non-English words would be deleted or removed....I can't read the language of the Fatherland, either... didn't take German in college...'figured I didn't need it, since they lost that last big war an' weren't gonna rule the world after all...

Anyway...back to the picture...I'd call these "lusty an' busty"...
Lvl 2
bignano60 19 years ago
blonde is bona very bona
Lvl 17
mongolia 19 years ago
yes they are hot, and no I do not speak german
[Deleted] 19 years ago
Also ich würde sie ficken... hat man halt auch ma eine mitn bissl mehr sieh tja auch nicht scheisse aus
Lvl 10
Essaybrother 19 years ago
ein bißchen viel auf den rippen. würd ich aber trotzdem ficken....glaub ich!
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Published 19 years ago
Uploaded by BigDic
Dimensions 800 600
Category Beach & Bikini Babes
Views 3183
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