Lvl 56
Platypussy2 6 years ago
Sweet, wish there was more of her
Lvl 5
jkhes 6 years ago
Originally posted by enjoyspanking
This pic is fairly old and it is NOT photoshopped. Her butt and boobs are really that big. There are several other photos of her walking around. I think I have them some where. I need to find them and post.

If she ever married, he's the luckiest guy on the planet.

Which would you prefer......winning the lottery? Or marrying that body?

Please post
Doobie_Bro finds this awesome.
Lvl 25
PietdePunk 6 years ago
top pic, hot
mikeyeven, joebillybob find this awesome.
Lvl 29
enjoyspanking 6 years ago
This pic is fairly old and it is NOT photoshopped. Her butt and boobs are really that big. There are several other photos of her walking around. I think I have them some where. I need to find them and post.

If she ever married, he's the luckiest guy on the planet.

Which would you prefer......winning the lottery? Or marrying that body?
Lvl 13
Mistergsa10 6 years ago
I want to see those boobies bounce when you jump.
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Published 6 years ago
Uploaded by awhalpin158
Dimensions 500 686
Category Beach & Bikini Babes
Views 1116
Comments 5
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