Lvl 8
oi8her2 10 years ago
Hey, I forgot to ask.. Can you get more photos of her ?? If ya can, do it, snap hundreds.. Thanks..
Lvl 8
oi8her2 10 years ago
Jesus, she has a perfect body.. It can't get much better, OUTSTANDING.. Come to Southern Utah, I will marry you, take care of you forever.. A+, five stars and 10+, no question finest girl on here in days, I wished the photo was better though, not bitching, the picture is great, high resolution would be excellent.. Actually since I dreaming, daguerreotype, fucking imagine that if you can..
Lvl 22
soggysox 10 years ago
gorgeous babe
Lvl 11
monkyboy888 10 years ago
What a beautiful picture! The man or woman who shot this photo is a wonderul photographer and amazing human being
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Published 10 years ago
Uploaded by nabokov100
Dimensions 1050 753
Category Beach & Bikini Babes
Views 3643
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