Lvl 10
bres 13 years ago
hell yea baby !!!!!!
THEBooBman finds this awesome.
Lvl 80
hiproof 15 years ago
Those are not silicone. Freak of nature, but not implants.
Lvl 8
AdrenilenRush 16 years ago
Silicone tits WTF???????????
Lvl 12
rocman 18 years ago
She is very proud of her tits
THEBooBman finds this awesome.
Lvl 9
suhraa 19 years ago
Big tis on a small giel is the most perfect thing.

Big tits on a big girl, are not half as exciting.

Look at the face of the other guy - he has his own girl and is lifting her blouse, BUT he knows VERY well where the interesting stuff is.. hehe
Imlovingit, THEBooBman, joebillybob find this awesome.
Lvl 8
thinny 19 years ago
That big. Dang I just jerked my needle dick off till I came all over the screen.
Copafeel finds this awesome.
Lvl 12
Cobrian 21 years ago
I just think tits that large on a girl that short are just wrong, plain wrong.
Lvl 14
Powerflux 21 years ago
i think its because her face.. tits aren't the whole deal, ya know?
Lvl 15
HoodyCentral 21 years ago
3.5??? What's WRONG with you people? My God, the fun I'd have with those funbags!!!!!!!!!
THEBooBman finds this awesome.
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Published 21 years ago
Uploaded by [Deleted]
Dimensions 484 640
Category Beach & Bikini Babes
Views 17417
Comments 9