Lvl 15
veropoul 5 years ago
Beautiful serirs those pussirs rock
Lvl 17
Southernboy10 12 years ago
The second pair get my vote
Lvl 60
kylecook 12 years ago
Originally posted by snoopy7666

Some actually are...that is, they are nude or clothing optional beaches...

Sure, but nudity and even being topless on a beach is taboo, for the most part almost every in the states. Many other parts of the world, full nudity like this is far more widely acceptable. And topless is so commonplace it's the norm in many other places.
Lvl 17
natsumefanman813 12 years ago
Hard to pick a fav between these babes.
Lvl 24
snoopy7666 12 years ago
Originally posted by mrmosh

if onyl american beached were more like this

Some actually are...that is, they are nude or clothing optional beaches...but that's not saying you'll see THIS at any one of them...Y'know what I mean...for every pair of babes that look this good...there's a hundred that are old, overweight, wrinkled, an' downright ghastly...Probably because - in part, anyway - American culture is more prudish or modest...open, out there an' in your face nakedness is not really condoned...But in many foreign cultures, being naked, out there in the open, in front of strangers, etc...is not such a big thing...lotsa places have laws against it, but it is lazily enforced, if at all...many times, only if someone lodges a complaint.
In the west, nudity and nakedness are almost always associated with sex. promiscuity, low morals...etc. In other cultures, they are not so uptight, and casual nudity is not necessarily seen as an advertisement for sex, or notice of your loose upbringing and morals...it's just being without clothes on...period.
Lvl 26
mrmosh 12 years ago
if onyl american beached were more like this
roxdav9, dogdude find this awesome.
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Published 12 years ago
Uploaded by [Deleted]
Dimensions 703 814
Category Beach & Bikini Babes
Views 5564
Comments 6