[Deleted] 12 years ago
She might be saying, "I didn't invite any dicks in my stream".

Lvl 13
beeeverboy 12 years ago
Yes.. its a sun dial too! Can you guess what time it is?
bob4funs1234 finds this awesome.
Lvl 17
natsumefanman813 12 years ago
Who invited him...
Lvl 25
FSHEV 12 years ago
(Leaning away from Bob, ready to run away)..."Oh...my...gosh...!!! Bob, I didn't know you cared!!"
Lvl 67
AJ100 12 years ago
"Well Bob, I see your glad to see me."
Lvl 8
righttracks 12 years ago
I'll never get all that in my mouth.....
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Published 12 years ago
Uploaded by kosvik
Dimensions 601 800
Category Beach & Bikini Babes
Views 6094
Comments 6