Lvl 21
Mouahah 14 years ago
Originally posted by OrangeGuy

What is this 5.55 rating BS before my vote? This is a hot girl. The rating is not supposed to be about the degree of nudity, but rather the hotness of the girl. And it's not because she is black or white or asian. She is hot. Period. To think otherwise is either ignorant or racist. You guys who voted her low are complete A-Holes!

agree... 6.22 now
But to be honest, the quality of the pic is so poor that it doesn't deserve more than a 6 no matter how hot she is (and god damn, she 's hot!)
Lvl 8
axxess023 14 years ago
Hell of a body.
Lvl 13
rocinate65 14 years ago
No arguement here. She is HOT!
Lvl 13
vtr 14 years ago
Totally agree with you Orange Guy... She is freakin hot!! So fuckinn sexy
Lvl 11
OrangeGuy 14 years ago
What is this 5.55 rating BS before my vote? This is a hot girl. The rating is not supposed to be about the degree of nudity, but rather the hotness of the girl. And it's not because she is black or white or asian. She is hot. Period. To think otherwise is either ignorant or racist. You guys who voted her low are complete A-Holes!
Based on 81 votes
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Published 14 years ago
Uploaded by vtr
Dimensions 274 353
Category Beach & Bikini Babes
Views 1506
Comments 5
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