Lvl 9
user081004 17 years ago
somebody feed her
please !
Lvl 15
scarlet_one 18 years ago
Disgustingly thin. Absolutely fucking awful. Any guy that lusts over women with a body like this has serious problems.
Lvl 11
Rokclimbr4 18 years ago
if you wanna reject her cause u think she's too skinny... she can come to my house any night
Lvl 5
slimturk69 18 years ago
I have money and i have a buddy who knows how to cook....this girl is sufferring from no money to buy food and is losing too much wiehgt...anyone care to help her out? how do we get in touch with her family to let them know that she needs food and no more drugs
Lvl 9
crazy4life73 18 years ago
Well I'm sorry but the anorexic look is not sexy
Lvl 9
JoeBubba 18 years ago
I'd be afraid those ribs would puncture one of my lungs!
Lvl 5
bp14 18 years ago
I wonder what she looks like WITHOUT all that makeup, with her hair its natural color, and not painfully sucking her belly in??
Lvl 9
dragonboy33 18 years ago
Now that looks like a great one nighter
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Published 18 years ago
Uploaded by Nékos
Dimensions 800 719
Category Bathroom Babes
Views 2360
Comments 8