Lvl 42
misterinbetween 13 years ago
Time and place for everything.
Lvl 11
Jaqob 19 years ago
she is mega !!! cute !!
Lvl 19
andysaez 19 years ago
beautiful, beautiful girl
Lvl 9
Frabi 19 years ago
maybe she had done something else before
Lvl 28
Punly 19 years ago
very very sexy!
Lvl 10
bobaloo 19 years ago
Hey if you dont like seeing chicks on the pot dont click on the thumbnail! Fukkin bitchers & whiners!
Lvl 16
Schark 19 years ago
very nice
Lvl 23
Picha-de-Asso 19 years ago
In my case, these pictures really turn me on! They really wake up the voyeur inside, and arise my desire in a way that no other pictures, taken in other settings, can!
And most of you immediately associate the image of a girl sitting on the toilet with the act of shitting! Why can't they just be peeing or even posing?! Well, either way, I can't agree more with bobaloo: "(...) we're all pervs in one way or another when we look at pics on this forum; but like its name; it's WHAT BOYS WANT!"
Lvl 10
bobaloo 19 years ago
PhilR I'm with you on that. If the others dont like it, they dont have to look at it. She is one SEXY chick!
Lvl 16
2112Pooh 19 years ago
"PhilR on 07:26 23-06-2005
I actually love these photos; they depict a girl at her most vulnerable. if a girl lets you take a picture of her taking a shit, she is either a) really drunk, b) really slutty or c) really into you and willing to share every aspect of her life with you. All three options sound like winners to me!"

Well, he's got a point there, but I can't say I'm into these pics either..
Lvl 8
warcraft 19 years ago
wow.. mabye she is little red face
Lvl 24
JayB 19 years ago
It's his wife for crying out loud... Of course she is comfortable.
Lvl 10
emp_error85 19 years ago
No comment about the shit, but she does have the most wonderful smile!
Lvl 13
crucialone 19 years ago
what is sexy about shit? and to respond to the newbies comment, im not sure i would want to be with a girl that wanted to share EVERY aspect of her life with me, much less want me around when shes taking a shit.
Lvl 12
rorschach1 19 years ago
I actually love these photos; they depict a girl at her most vulnerable. if a girl lets you take a picture of her taking a shit, she is either a) really drunk, b) really slutty or c) really into you and willing to share every aspect of her life with you. All three options sound like winners to me!
Lvl 12
dachitmang 19 years ago
My wife doesn't shit in front of me, ..nor do I shit in front of her.
Lvl 11
BrandonM 19 years ago
Shit happens!
Lvl 11
connjob 19 years ago
Seriously, what's with these pictures of girls on the toilet? Does it really turn you guys on?
Lvl 18
ASS_MAN 19 years ago
I don't understand the shitpot pics.
Lvl 13
whippendick 19 years ago
she look's happy about it
Lvl 14
we_the_people 19 years ago
shes taking a dump look at her face you can tell
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Published 19 years ago
Uploaded by Master_Yoda
Dimensions 600 800
Category Bathroom Babes
Views 8728
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