Lvl 47
expat2011 5 years ago
Originally posted by pdxal
Those are breast reduction scars, not from enhancement.

You are correct, the reduction/repair scars are completely different from "augmentation" scars (which are generally UNDER the breast or over under the armpit (for the really expensive ones) or can even be hidden in a caesarean-scar or in the pussy. Any way you cut it, the point of augmentation is to hide the deed. With REDUCTION, you're removing so much tissue that the obvious scars are just a fact of life.
Lvl 24
sting1962 5 years ago
Hot babe
Lvl 30
pdxal 5 years ago
Those are breast reduction scars, not from enhancement.
expat2011 finds this awesome.
[Deleted] 5 years ago
A product from Silicone Valley
doolittle finds this awesome.
Lvl 111
doolittle 5 years ago
that's definitely titty fucking paradise
robert98597 finds this awesome.
Lvl 33
slacker6872 5 years ago
Nice big old fake tits
doolittle finds this awesome.
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Published 5 years ago
Uploaded by Noncete
Dimensions 698 883
Category Bathroom Babes
Views 2783
Comments 6