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Lvl 23
pamattie 4 years ago
Not much to work with for her. I wonder if she can make him cum? Before I went exclusively black, I encountered a couple of white guys who were small like this and it was actually impossible to get them off. They had to do it. I felt bad for them. I mean, they don't have any choice on the size of their cocks and there is nothing that can be done about it. It's a definite bummer for them. I feel kinda bad.
Lvl 34
bob4funs1234 4 years ago
She is starting to get him hard and he has the pic to remember it by . . .
Lvl 62
vegas365 4 years ago
Poor girl, tiny pee pee
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Published 4 years ago
Uploaded by LAZ95
Dimensions 4160 3120
Category Amateur Porn
Views 420
Comments 3
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