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Lvl 23
pamattie 4 years ago
Looks like a DREAM evening ahead for some white girls. A bunch of black guys entertaining a bunch of white girls who are dying to handle some huge black cocks. I do a lot of events like this. They are simply the greatest sexual experiences. I look over and see some of my white girlfriends and we are all being taken and used to please some black men. And we smile at each other and just keep reveling in such great sexual pleasure. It's absolutely the coolest thing. We all love seeing each other getting taken. And then we take breaks and have one of the white girls handle 5-6 black men. And then it's the next girl's turn to take on 5 black guys. And so forth. Just really, really fantastic stuff. And I really find it sexy to see such a contrast between the girls creamy white skin and that man's really really dark skin. That is so arousing....
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Published 4 years ago
Uploaded by Teensandcocks
Dimensions 1280 968
Category Amateur Porn
Views 963
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